5 Tips For Selecting The Ideal Engagement Ring

For every man, popping the question is one of the most stressful times of an already uncertain life, “Will she like the ring?” is a question most men ask themselves and rather than leaving it to fate, there are things one can do to minimise the chances of a bad ring selection.

1. Know Her Style Preference – Of course, you can’t simply ask your future bride what kind of engagement ring she would like, but with a little help from one of her trusted friends, it is possible to acquire enough information to ensure you are on the right track with your ring selection. Her friend would likely know about this, as girls typically discuss things and weddings and engagements are never far away from the topic of conversation, and with some outside help, you will soon have a good idea about her jewellery style.

2. Know your Budget – Once you are aware of your partner’s jewellery preferences, you will need to decide on a budget. Of course, one should not go down the cheap road for such an important ring that will symbolise the unique love you share, and if you cannot find the perfect ring, the jeweller can create one exclusively for you.

3. Practicality
– Whatever else happens, your partner will not want to remove the engagement ring from her finger, and on the very rare occasions she does, it will be for a matter of minutes, rather than hours. Therefore, you need to find a ring that has no sharp edges, and avoid anything with a raised cluster, as the clasp can easily catch on fabric. The stones should be bevelled and not raised too much, and with a solid cluster, this type of ring is ideal for permanent wear. If you would like some help regarding choice, there is a useful guide to selecting a suitable engagement ring, which might be of some help.

4. Online Jewellers – Obviously, the more rings the jeweller has, the wider your scope, and online jewellers have an extensive catalogue of wedding and engagement rings, and when you consider the online retailer does not have the huge outgoings of a traditional jewellery store, prices are typically lower with an online jeweller. If you happen to live in Queensland, Ringleaders are among the trusted jewellers in Brisbane that have an extensive range of top quality items, and they will even customise a ring, which is the ultimate way of saying. “I love you”.

5. Know Her Ring Size – If you take a guess at this, it could put a damper on the whole proceedings. Asking a girl to marry you is a tough enough task as it is, without the added worry of whether or not the ring actually fits. The best way to find out your partner’s ring size is to enlist the help of one of her trusted friends, who would engineer a conversation to include ring sizes, and once you have that information, along with a good idea of the jewellery style preferences, you can approach an online jeweller and be confident that your ring selection will be spot on.

If you follow the above suggestions, you can be sure that her eyes will sparkle when you slip the ring on her finger, and she will wholeheartedly accept your proposal.
x Aly




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