Popular Snacks in Japan Candy Box

What is Japan Candy Box?

Btw Beware of this post Don't read if you're hungry..

Now here is a video about what is Japan Candy Box really..

Surprise yourself or gift someone. They have monthly plan, 6 month plan, 12monthplan.
For 20$ per month only.

Me + Chocolate = Forever Together

Eating chocolate when you're sad.

Midnight snacking..

He said I love you
She said have a break, have a Kit Kat

Sometimes It's too good to breathe
To have a break
To have a Kit Kat 

Chocolate doesn't ask silly questions..
Chocolate understands

Give me the chocolate and nobody gets hurt

There is an included Japanese Kit Kat Flavors that you cannot get anywhere else. For your Info or Fyi according to wikipedia Japanese Kit Kat have 300 limited-edition seasonal and regional Kit Kat flavors.

Keep Calm and Eat Pocky

Pocky is the Answer
Who cares what the question is

Living the sweet life

Life is short make it sweet

The Japan Candy box include limited edition Japan-only Pocky biscuit sticks as well.

A little treat for someone sweet

All you need is love and a little candy

Hard to find Hi-chew flavors are included in Japan Candy Box.

Do you want to taste traditional Japanese flavors like matcha, wasabi and more? 

Taste popular snacks that have been popular in japan through generations.

Happiness is eating potato chips..

Experience in your mouth the exclusive Jagabee potato sticks snacks.

I'm an adult and I'm responsible
Let's go get some candy..

Someday I will solve my problems with critical thinking.
But today it will be with candy.

Take a bite and suck out of this world rare Japanese sweets.

Discover Chewy Candy which is neither gummies or chewing gum. Wondering how it taste like?

Oh and there is also Super Sour Candy.

Popular Pretz flavors are like Pocky but its savory.. Uhmm Yummy.

Photos and videos are from japancandybox.com

Go ahead and avail yourself a box today they have monthly plan6 month plan, 12monthplan.
For 20$ per month only.

x Aly

Japanese Snacks



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