It Is Always Peaceful At The Beach


А ты говоришь по русски? What did you say? I asked. Do you speak Russian? I said no. I often get asked like this at the Jumeirah beach. I only speak english, filipino, a bit of arabic and a bit or deutsch. The majority of the beachgoers are from Ukraine and Russia. This saddens me currently like so many lives are at stake. The sun shines strongly now at the Jumeirah beach. It is summer again in Dubai habibi. I have not gone there for so long. Maybe these days I will go again. 

I really enjoy the sun. Yes, I am quite pale still. But the sun warms my skin. I also noticed that my circadian rhythm is normalized when I see the sun. I feel pretty much sleepy at 10 pm. While when I did not go to the beach I don't feel sleepy at all and can stay up all night until 3 am. 

Then again. I would like that peace brings everyone back. That there are no more wars. Life matters. Compassion should fill the void in everyone's heart.

x Aly

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